How to get 'Good' Reels Music even when you have a Business Instagram Account
Everyone is talking about Instagram Reels and the massive reach this new content type is generating! Catchy tunes, cute dances, pointing fingers and bite-sized tips are taking Instagram by storm!
But creating an Instagram Reel can be a little confusing when you start out. Particularly the music side of things.
If you're using a business account on Instagram you (generally) won't have access to use music from recording artists - the music that has the name of the artist and song in the title. This is because it is a copyright issue.
So we have two options:
1: We can use 'Original Music' from others who have uploaded the song we want to use. The key is to look for song titles that include the words 'Original Music'. These are often the songs we know and love, the popular ones we want to use, just uploaded by an individual.
2. We can edit our profile and change our category to 'Entrepreneur'. This seems to unlock ALL music. (You can hide your category on your profile so no one sees this.)
Number 2 is the easiest option but may not work for everyone. To do this:
- Open your Instagram app
- Head to your profile
- Click Edit Profile
- Click on your category, search for Entreprenuer, select it and click Done
- Click on Profile display and switch off the toggle next to Display Category label
- Click Done and then click Done again
You may need to close down your app and reopen it. This should unlock the popular music.
To use Original Music:
So we start by scrolling Reels to find the audio and then we use it ourselves or even save it to use later. This is also a great way to get the creative juices flowing and generate a tonne of ideas for your Instagram Reels.
Check out my video below on how to get the 'good' music for your Instagram Reel, even when you have a Business Instagram account!
Forget finger-pointing, lip-syncing and dancing - did you know you can create an Instagram Reel with Canva? Click here to find out how!
(And if you'd like a free, step-by-step training on how to get started with creating your very first Instagram Reel, click here!)
How to add audio to your Instagram Reels, even if you have a business account, and I'm not talking about just the royalty-free music. I mean the good stuff.
So, first of all, we're going to open up Instagram.
Now, what are we going to do is click on the Reels icon at the bottom in the centre.
And then we're just going to flick through some Reels until we find audio that we like.
So, for example, if I liked this audio and I wanted to use it again, what I would do is click on the audio in the bottom left-hand corner.
And then I have the option near the top there to save audio, so if I was to click on this, this would save the audio for me to use in the future.
But if I wanted to create a Reel right now and use that audio, then of course, I would just click on the 'Use Audio' button down at the bottom there and create my Reel.
Now, to find that saved audio there's a couple of ways that we can do it so we can head back here and click to create a Reel. So we click on the camera icon at the top right. And then when we click on 'Audio' on the left, we can see all of our saved audio sitting right there under saved.
Now, the other way that we can access that saved audio is we can head all the way back to our account and click on the three lines at the top right. And then we want to choose 'Saved'.
And we now have a wee folder sitting there with all of our audio ready to go.
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